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quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2020

8ºC Inglês - Atividade p/ 26/05/2020

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Esta atividade tb está disponível no Google Classroom

8º C 2hzcfl3

EE Idalina Macedo Costa Sodré
Teacher Marisa
Data de entrega: até 26/05
(Esta tarefa ajudará a compor a nota do 1º bimestre)
Nome: _____________________________________ 8º C nº _________

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Couch Potato

Leia o texto abaixo
Are you a couch potato?

What!? You don’t know what a couch potato is? Ok! So let me teach you that one.
I’ll teach it in three different levels: basicintermediate and advanced.

Advanced Level tips: take you English to the next level - Insight ...
A couch potato is a person who spends leisure time passively or idly sitting around, especially watching TV. They don’t get involved in any kind of strenuous exercise. As a matter of fact, they can’t stand any kind of physical activity. What’s more, they rarely eat healthy, nourishing food; they’d rather have hamburgers, fries, soft drinks and that kind of stuff.

Intermediate Level Tips: Porque falar "I like" é coisa de nível ...
A couch potato is a person who spends too much time watching television. He doesn’t do any exercise at all. Actually, he hates exercising. He prefers to sit or lie on a couch watching their favorite TV programs. Another thing he doesn’t like is healthy food. A real couch potato prefers junk food such as hamburgers, fries, soft drinks and so on.

Dicas de inglês basic level: Um jeito fácil de acelerar os eu inglês
A couch potato is a very lazy person. A couch potato likes to watch TV a lot. A couch potato doesn’t like to exercise. A couch potato likes to have hamburgers, fries, soft drinks, etc.

I. Agora responda em português:
a. Could you understand what a couch potato is? (Você entendeu o que é um couch potatoExplique.)
b. Are you a couch potato? (Você se considera um couch potato?)
c. Are you a reader at the basic, an intermediate or an advanced level? (Em qual dos três níveis você consegue entender melhor o texto?)
d. Is there any couch potato in your family? (Tem alguém na sua família assim?)
e. Do you have a friend who is a real couch potato? (E amigo assim?)

II. Associe as duas colunas. Enumere a segunda coluna de acordo com a primeira.

                                   Put the Healthy in “Junk” Food – CavsConnect

1. Healthy food is better, but also more _____
( ) fruits and vegetables
2. Foods also contain various ________
( ) a necessary part
3. Healthy foods, such as_________________, contain more micronutrients than junk foods, such as chips and candy.
( )  health problems.
4. _____________ describes food and drinks low in nutrients
( ) expensive.
5. Eating too much junk food is linked to serious _______________
( ) What is the difference
6. Junk foods are not ____________of any diet.
( ) micronutrients
7. _______ between junk food and healthy food?
( ) Junk food

III. Escreva em inglês, três palavras que fazem parte de cada grupo
1. Junk food: _______________, ___________________, __________________
2. Healthy food: _____________, ___________________, __________________

Quando terminar de preencher, releia suas respostas, anote no caderno as questões que você sentiu dificuldade para responder. Em breve, postarei as respostas certas com comentários.


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